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Boost your financial fitness

‘Don’t wait to start investing’ and other tips to help women of all ages make the most of opportunities on the road to financial independence

“BEING PROACTIVE ABOUT FINANCIAL WELLNESS is important for everyone, but even more so for women,” says Cynthia Hutchins, director of financial gerontology at Bank of America. Whether you’re just starting out, at the height of your career or nearing retirement, this conversation offers practical suggestions to help you build your wealth. In it, Hutchins sits down with Lisa Margeson, managing director, Retirement Research at Bank of America, to talk about the many things women can do to become more financially fit, minimizing the impact of the pay gap and possible career interruptions.


“Contributing to a 401(k) at work? That’s great. Have you thought about opening an IRA, too?” Margeson asks. “Join an investing club. Find a female financial role model. Learn about health savings accounts.” The list goes on … Grab a cup of coffee and listen, then share with your friends.

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